3d Max Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf Download

Jul 3, 2017 - 148 time-saving Hotkeys for Autodesk 3ds Max 2017. Extensive, exportable, wiki-style reference lists for Keyboard Shortcuts/Hotkeys.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • Keyboard shortcuts, or hotkeys, provide quick access to the features of Nuke. The following tables show these keystrokes. Note:To download a PDF version of this page, please click. Conventions The following conventions apply to instructions for mouse-clicks and key presses. • LMB means click or press the left mouse button. • MMB means click or press the middle mouse button • RMB means click or press the right mouse button.

• When you see the word “drag” after a mouse button abbreviation (i.e., “MMB drag”), this tells you to press and hold the mouse button while dragging the mouse pointer. • Keystroke combinations with the Ctrl, Alt, and Shift keys tell you to press and hold the key and then type the specified letter. For example, “Press Ctrl+S” means hold down the Ctrl key, press S, and then release both keys. Note:On Mac, replace the Ctrl key with the Cmd key.

Note:Keystrokes in the tables appear in upper case, but you do not type them as upper case. If the Shift+modifier does not appear before the letter, just press the letter key alone. Note:This section assumes you are using the default keyboard and mouse-button assignments.

If the mouse buttons do not work for you as described here, try resetting the mouse control type back to the standard Nuke setting ( Preferences > Panels > Viewer Handles > 3D control type > Nuke). Global Keystroke(s) Action Backspace/Delete Delete selected clips or folders F12 Clear buffers and playback cache MMB drag Virtual slider (number fields) Space bar (short press) Expand the focused panel to the full window Space bar (long press) Raise the right-click menu Alt+S Make the application or floating window fullscreen. Alt+` Show Curve Editor. Ctrl+A Select all Ctrl+C Copy selected item(s) Ctrl+D Duplicate selected item(s) Ctrl+F# Save current window layout.

The # represents a function key number, F1 through F6 Ctrl+LMB on panel name Float panel Ctrl+N Create a new project or script, depending on environment Ctrl+O Open a project or script, depending on environment Ctrl+Q Exit the application Ctrl+S Save current project or script, depending on environment Ctrl+T Cycle through tabs in the current pane.

Yes, please see the list below: 1. Navigation W or Arrow Up Move camera forward. S or Arrow Down Move camera backward. A or Arrow Left Move camera left. D or Arrow Right Move camera right. Q Move camera up.

E Move camera down. SPACEBAR + W/S/A/D/Q/E Move camera very slowly. SHIFT + W/S/A/D/Q/E Move camera faster. SHIFT + SPACEBAR + W/S/A/D/Q/E Move camera very fast. RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse Look around.

MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse Pan camera. SPACEBAR + MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse Pan camera very slowly.

SHIFT + MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse Pan camera faster. SHIFT + SPACEBAR + MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON + Move mouse Pan camera very fast. MOUSEWHEEL UP/DOWN Move camera forwards/backwards. CTRL + H Reset camera pitch to horizontal viewpoint. O + RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON Orbit camera. S vlad models First, move the camera so that the crosshairs [ ] are placed at the point on a model that you want to orbit around.

Double-click with RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON on models Instantly teleport to the position that you clicked on. Miscellaneous F1 Editor quality: 1 Star (Shadows off and some Movie Effects off).

F2 Editor quality: 2 Stars ( OmniShadows off). F3 Editor quality: 3 Stars (Low-quality Lumion Terrain and Lumion Terrain shadows off). F4 Editor quality: 4 Stars (Highest quality level). Music unlimited powered by qriocity software for psp pro F5 QuickSave saves a Scene file called QuickSave. F7 Switch between low-quality and high-quality Lumion Terrain.

F8 Hold down this key to temporarily show the shadows from Spotlights. F9 Toggle between low-quality and high-quality trees and plants. F11 Toggle between Build Mode and Theater Mode. Theater Mode hides the user interface in Build Mode. Settings -> Toggle fullscreen Toggle between Full-screen and Windowed Mode. Sliders You can double-click on most sliders in Lumion to manually type in values.

Press Shift while adjusting slider values to fine-tune them (more digits after the decimal point will be displayed). Save & load camera viewpoints CTRL + 1 2 3. 9 0 Use these keys to save up to 10 camera viewpoints in Photo Set 1 in Photo Mode. When using MyLumion, the Photos are saved only for MyLumion Panorama Viewpoints. SHIFT + 1 2 3. 9 0 Load previously saved camera Viewpoints. The saved slots are also available as easily accessible thumbnail images in Photo Set 1 in Photo Mode.