Anaglyphax For Km Player

I have just downloaded KMplayer and am therefore a newbie to the software. I have a LG 3D TV with passive polarised glasses. Works brilliantly. I also have a LG PC monitor - not 3D. The LG polarized 3D glasses don't seem to work with KMplayers row interlacing - guess I need a proper 3D monitor for that to work. I do have an old pair of cardboard red/green glasses that I got from somewhere and they work OK with the red/green screen choice, but the combined result is a grey, old black and white movie. Test po geografii 6 klass s otvetami atmosfera. No colours at all.

For this you need a player that can convert SBS to anaglyph like KMPlayer and anaglyph glass. There is a developmental 3D version of XBMC.

Anaglyph ax for kmplayer

Are there any type of 3D glasses that you can recommend, that would give me a proper, clear, colour 3D image that could match the quality of the TV set? The Monitor is an LG Flatron M2780D, that is full HD (1080p). My graphics card is an Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti. Many thanks in advance, Mac.

As far as I know, 3D interlaced modes can only be used with a 3D TV/monitor as you pointed. About colour glasses, those that show all colours are 'Red/Cyan' and 'Yellow/Blue' methods.

I have no glasses to test, but from what I've read: - Red/Cyan: > Brighter > Less ghosting - Yellow/Blue: > Darker > Better colour fidelity Please note that there are some discussions about the 3D modes in the menu, in my opinion the menu is wrong but developers have not said a word about it: (in the link above you can also find useful information about 3D modes from Nuihc88). Thanks for your answer, Pantuflo. Guess I'll have to do some more investigation. At least I know that the interlaced modes are out and that I most probably will never get the same clear 3D that I can see on the LG TV, at least not with passive glasses. I will see if I can get hold of some Red/Cyan and/or Yellow/Blue glasses to test, but to me, it makes sense that as soon as one fiddles with the colours to ones eyes, there is not going to be a natural coloured image. Maybe I need active glasses instead. Guess I'll have to start looking at NVidia hardware.: P /Mac.