Download Free Royal Trux Pound For Pound Rar

Pound for Pound is the ninth studio album by Royal Trux. It was released in 2000 by Drag City. Track listing. All tracks written by Neil Hagerty and Jennifer Herrema. Title Length; 1. 'Call Out the Lions' 4:36: 2. 'Fire Hill' 2:28: 3.

I never heard back in the '80s when they were a performing band. Though I was into lots of the groups, just seemed to pass me. Having said that, I don't think I would have liked this if I'd heard it back in 1987 - not punk enough or something. Anyway, I picked this up for a pound at a boot fair recently and I think it's worth sharing - kind of spidery, angsty art-rock with flashes of inspired slide guitar action that some of you may appreciate.

Here's a lovely fan video for the album's last track (which isn't overly representative of the sound of the rest of the LP, but hey ho).

Artist Biography by John Dougan From the noisy demise of underground kingpins came two interesting bands. The first was 's blues deconstruction unit,; the second was and 's dissonant junkie nightmare known as.

Interestingly, both bands started out as avant-noise combos playing little that resembled traditional rock & roll. That doesn't mean the music they made was bad; it was rather a little difficult to figure out when they were really into it or simply pulling your chain.

Stoneface & Majesty) 11. Pray For Me 09. Black market militia zip line Heaven Black 10. Feel Afraid 12.

What's amazing is that after a protracted period of making harsh, nearly inaccessible records, both bands, by the mid-'90s, were making records that sounded like '70s rock, only with gobs more attitude and noise. Early records (two self-titled records and ) are, to say the least, extreme. And play mostly beat-to-hell, thrift-store guitars, howl over the noise, and let a crappy little drum machine keep a beat. Both were raging junkies, and running the risk of turning this into a tabloid piece, the music sounds it. It's messy, self-indulgent, and on-the-nod, but it's also jarring, exciting, and full of potential.

Both and 'play' like they couldn't care less about what they were doing (and they probably couldn't), but there's a spark here -- maybe an accidental one, but a spark that makes these messy chunks of distortion more interesting than your average underground rant, although it's not what you'd call friendly, inviting music. Most wouldn't even consider it music. Although their drug problems escalated (in a fit of -inspired bravado, and allegedly spent a recording advance by their label, Drag City, on smack, only to ask the impoverished indie label for more money to make the record), they eventually got sober around the time of, their most lucid recording for Drag City. Now employing three other musicians and sounding like an honest-to-God rock band, was making music that sounded grimy and raunchy, the way did in the mid-'70s. It was an amazing and unexpected turnaround, but well worth the wait. After exhibiting a little stability, were gobbled up by Virgin as part of the post-/ alternative rock signing frenzy.

While purists were hissing sellout (as they always do), hooked up with -producer and cut, a great, greasy glob of lo-fi rock fueled by cigarettes and junk food. 's guitar playing still gleefully wandered into noiseland, but he was just as likely to cough up a '70s hard rock riff or two. Actually sang, but her voice still hadn't improved much beyond a one-octave cat growl. Followed in 1997, after which Virgin dropped the group and released tapes of 1998's to the duo's previous label, Drag City; later that year, the simply named arrived. Followed a year later, and in mid-2000 returned with. After a tumultuous second half of that year, which included family illness and the cancellation of most of their tour dates, disbanded. However, released several solo albums and re-formed the band as with two other musicians and released in fall 2004.

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