Install Puppy Linux From Usb To Hard Drive

Download free mastercam dongle hack Jan 29, 2011  I wonder if anybody knows how to install Puppy Linux on to a hard drive? I downloaded lupo-520.iso and burned it on to a CD. I then booted up with. Install Puppy Linux To A Hard Drive. I have successfully installed Puppy to a USB Flash Drive and am using it right now to post this reply. Zbrush download torrent. Just learning the system now.

I will have to try this following your instructions. I followed the prompts in Puppy a couple of versions back, but it did not work. I just click on the file I download from Puppy and an ISO burning program opens without using 3rd party software. I have used Puppy for more than a year when I want to go onto the Internet, but do not want to buy anti-virus software.

With each new version I notice I can go almost anywhere on the web and it is fast, but as time goes by certain sites will no longer open or function and my speed slows. Sometimes switching to a different browser in Puppy helps. Sometimes running Chkdsk and Disk Defragmenter in Windows helps. Have you had any experience with this problem?