Ps2 Emulator Mac Os X 1095

Click to expand.Not entirely. The PS3's cell is 3.2ghz, and they're not exactly 'cores' either, they're SPE's. It can execute 9 threads at once but they're not as good as seperate cores. That said you're probably going to need a 6ghz 8 core Mac Pro to compare. Since an actual computer runs an OS and a slew of other applications at once.

New, Demonstrating Starshot: Space circus fever speedrun now on twitch! Are there any good PS2 emulators that would allow for fair runs? Drwobblebottoms drwobblebottoms, 2, 584. Are there any split software's for mac? 10 Second Ninja X(Does anyone speedrun it?). Orient Orient, 5, 1095, 2 years ago. Jul 11, 2011  While checking out SpeedofMac I stumbled on this Playstation 2 Emulator for Mac OSX. This is a port of the Windows Playstation 2 emulator PCSX2. Download the package for Mac OS X here. Mount the disk image and double-click on the installer. Playstation 2 emulator, playstation 2 emulator for osx, ps2 emulator for mac, sony.

Ps2 Emulator Mac Os X 1095

My 266mhz PC can barely run a NES emulator. You're going to need a CPU of at least double the power.

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And even then - you also need to translate the PS3's PowerPC to an x86 chip. Which will hit computers for massive damage for sure. Though funnily enough even the oldest machine in my house has more RAM than a PS3. Just not as fast RAM. I was SURE this thread was a typo and he meant PS2. Look, it's not happening soon.

Honestly, the PS3's 'incredible power' is a bit exaggurated.but there's no way anyone's emulating it anytime soon. Certainly not before a working 360 emulator comes out. Generally, you need systems to be 10x more powerful than what you're emulating, and current computers are not 10x more powerful; especially when the PS3 is REALLY good at certain types of calculations. Actually, a Mac Pro is probably way more than 10x better than the PS3 at integer calculations, while the PS3 is probably better at non-branching floating point calculations. Regardless; I don't think it'll EVER happen. The Sega Saturn also used a very weird multi-core setup with different processors at different speeds, it had like a dozen different processors (one for the CD drive, two for the CPU, two for the GPU, one for the audio, etc, etc, IIRC) and to this day nobody has written an emulator because it's just too much of a hassle.

So in five years when we're all using 16-core iMacs with dual-core Radeon X3600s, we'll probably have an XBox 360 emulator, and still no PS3 emulator. Product code generator. Emulation is always, typically, 5 years off. And no matter what, since the N64/PSX days, emulation has been spotty at best. Nothing can emulate hardware 100% anymore because the hardware is so complicated. Its not that the PS3 is a 'super-computer' its that its chips are complex little devices that each must be emulated in software. The few chips found inside the NES or SNES, compared to todays consoles, was easy to emulate.